Key Points:
- Ideal sire for trouble-free hogget mating
- Prime at low live weights
- High live-weight to carcase-weight yield
- Ideal meat for niche markets
- Growth rates up to 400 grams per day
- Top Genetics proved in progeny trials (CPT & NGF)
General Information:
- SIL Recorded; NZ Animal Breeding Trust (Bureau)
- Lambs are small shouldered and easily born
- Hardy, tough vigorous lambs
- Lambs black faced
- Lambs bond well to ewes at birth
- No ‘tail-end’ lambs
- Lambs prime at any age; i.e. 49 days onwards
- Lambs need less drenching
- Carcase weight to live weight yield close to 50%
- Carcases have high red meat yields
- Carcase shape and muscling ideal for niche markets
- Meat fine grained, red, lean and identifiable by taste
- Ideal sires for hogget mating
Comments: This tough, well muscled ram is used over ewes in every NZ environment. Even under the nastiest conditions progeny do well. 1200 Texel Suffolk ewes are mated each season at OSRS. Appreciable genetic gain for growth rate, has been achieved at OSRS over twentytwo years.